Measures for Monitoring Treatment Response

Behavior and Feeling Survey

The Behavior and Feelings Survey (BFS) is a brief, 12-item rating scale designed to facilitate efficient progress-monitoring during youth psychotherapy. It was developed and evaluated in four samples, among youths ages 7-15 years, with results demonstrating a robust factor structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and utility for tracking change during youth psychotherapy (see Weisz et al., 2019). The BFS offers parallel youth-report and caregiver-report forms. Items are rated on a scale from 0 (not a problem) to 4 (a very big problem). Three scale scores can be derived: Internalizing Problems (sum of items 1-6), Externalizing Problems (sum of items 7-12), and Total Problems (sum of items 1-12). There is no manual for the BFS.
This measure is made freely available to all who wish to use it, and in any format. There is no fee and no requirement for licensure or formal approval.

Behavior and Feelings Survey – Youth Report Form (PDF)

Behavior and Feelings Survey – Caregiver Report Form (PDF)

Article Reference:

Weisz, J. R., Vaughn-Coaxum, R. A., Evans, S. C., Thomassin, K., Hersh, J. Lee, E. H., Ng, M. Y., Lau, N., Raftery-Helmer, J. N., & Mair, P. (2019). Efficient monitoring of treatment response during youth psychotherapy: Development and psychometrics of the behavior and feelings survey. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Advance online publication. PDF


Top Problems Assessment

The Top Problems Assessment (TPA) is a brief idiographic instrument designed to help identify and monitor youth problems that are especially important from the perspectives of the youth and the caregiver. The caregiver- and youth-report forms were shown to complement standardized measures and offer incremental utility, with evidence of test-retest reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and sensitivity to change during treatment (see Weisz et al., 2011). Once identified in an initial interview, the informant’s “top problems” can then be repeatedly assessed via a brief, progress-monitoring rating scale. The current severity of each problem is rated from 0 (not a problem) to 4 (a very big problem). Severity ratings can be tracked for each problem individually or as an overall mean severity score created by averaging ratings from the same informant at the same measurement occasion. The interview procedure for identifying top problems, although brief, requires some clinical skill and procedural guidelines; for this reason, we have created a manual (Herren et al., 2018) to accompany the TPA. Originally developed among youths ages 7-13, the measure has since been used in clinical trials with youths ranging from 5 through 1 years.
This measure and manual are made freely available to all who wish to use it, and in any format. There is no fee and no requirement for licensure or formal approval.

Top Problems Assessment – Youth Report Form (PDF)

Top Problems Assessment – Caregiver Report Form

Top Problems Assessment Spanish Translation -- Caregiver Baseline Form (PDF)

Top Problems Assessment Spanish Translation -- Caregiver Weekly Report Measure (PDF)

Top Problems Assessment Manual (PDF)

Top Problem Coding Manual (PDF)

Article Reference:

Weisz, J.R., Chorpita, B.F., Frye, A., Ng, M.Y., Lau, N., Bearman, S.K., Ugueto, A.M., Langer, D.A., Hoagwood, K., and the Research Network on Youth Mental Health (2011). Youth top problems: Using idiographic, consumer-guided assessment to identify treatment needs and track change during psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79 (3), 369-380. PDF

Manual Reference:

Herren, J., Garibaldi, P., Evans, S. C., & Weisz, J. R. (2018). Youth Top Problems Assessment Manual. Harvard University.

*Note: In addition to the standard caregiver- and youth-report TPA forms, the manual refers to teacher-report form that has been developed more recently for clinical research purposes. Because the teacher form has not yet been examined psychometrically, we cannot yet recommend its usage.


Therapist Background Questionnaire

Therapist Background Questionnaire (PDF)


Perceived Control Scales

The Perceived Control Scale for Children (PCSC; Weisz, Southam-Gerow, & McCarty, 2001) is designed to yield scores reflecting children's perceived control (i.e., the belief that "I can obtain a desired outcome (or avoid an undesired outcome) if I try"). The 24-item questionnaire includes subscales reflecting perceived control over academic, social, and behavioral outcomes.

The Secondary Control Scale for Children (SCSC; Weisz, Francis, & Bearman, 2010) assesses children's perceived secondary control; that is, the ability to adjust oneself to adverse events in such a way as to control their subjective emotional impact.
Theses measure and scoring guides are made freely available. There is no fee or requirement for licensure or formal approval.

Perceived Control Scale for Children (PDF)

Perceived Control Scale for Children – Scoring Key (PDF)

Secondary Control Scale for Children (PDF)

Secondary Control Scale for Children – Scoring Key (PDF)

Article References:

Weisz, J. R., Southam-Gerow, M. A., & McCarty, C. A. (2001). Control-related beliefs and depressive symptoms in clinic-referred children and adolescents: Developmental differences and modal specificity. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110(1), 97-109. PDF

Weisz, J. R., Francis, S. E., & Bearman, S. K. (2010). Assessing secondary control and its association with youth depression symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38, 883-893. PDF