Jingxuan (Jane) Sun

Jingxuan (Jane) SunJingxuan (Jane) SunĀ is a research assistant working in the Lab for Youth Mental Health. She worked on the data metabase migration project which created a new data collection process utilizing Qualtrics Survey Platform. She graduated with a masters degree in Computer Engineering in Clemson University and has worked at Tech companies such as Facebook, Paypal, and now Qualtrics, as an Application Security Engineer for several years. She is an impact-driven individual who wants to combine her hands-on technical experience in AI, data-analytics, data-privacy and cybersecurity with her passion in Clinical Psychology to develop effective, accessible, and affordable mental health solutions for everyone especially for children and youth, by integrating with the latest advancements in AI. She intends to attend graduate school in Clinical Psychology within the next few years, but for now she is starting to learn more about conducting psychological research and exploring different opportunities to best integrate psychology with technology. She also has strong curiosity and empathy about humanity and likes to read books about philosophy, anthropology and history.